Our new shop has over 12,000 square feet of work space and storage area for projects.
We custom build each car for complete and partial work and get the owners input at every stage.
Sean preparing to put a quarter on. Once repairs are made all bare metal is etch primed prior to painting to promote adhesion and stop rust..
Paul painting fenders.
After completion we treat all seams with automatic transmission fluid. It penetrates and has a rust inhibitor added since the internal valves of an auto trans can not tolerate corrosion.
Disassembly and maintenance area.
Storage area for projects near completion and waiting to start on.
Storage area and building are alarm protected.
Each Mustang restoration has it's own designated area for parts to keep things organized.
Assembly area
Paint booth
Engine and transmission area
Adding suspension components.
New Mustang restorations getting started.
We have pick up and delivery for every Mustang restoration